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Audience Analytics

If you have current customers, I’ll start there. How do they describe your value? Where did they find you? How can you help them before, during, and after their purchase with your industry expertise? I help you uncover your unique audience segments and understand the content they care about most.

SEO + Keywords

There's more to great content than keyword targeting and search queries—but you still need to  understand how to utilize them so your audience can find your unique insights over your competitors. 


What format does your audience prefer to consume content? If you're an Ecommerce brand, maybe your customers prefer product videos to see how your clothes fit and feel. For tech companies, you might need more product visualizations to demonstrate distinctive features. I identify the right content types and deliver assets to grow your digital presence. 

Valuable content helps you

  • Find new customers

  • Deepen customer brand affinity

  • Segment your audience  

  • Increase industry authority and trust

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